Aloha! We are looking at staying at the Seashell Cottage on our next trip and I am wondering if anyone is familiar with it. It is rented through Prudential Realty, and is on Ali%26#39;i Drive. The exact address is 75-5916 Ali%26#39;i. It is on the ocean, just past the Kona Reef. Apparently, there are two houses plus a little sandy beach park between it and the Kona Reef.
We are familiar with Ali%26#39;i Drive, but just can%26#39;t place this cottage or the beach. I assume the beach must be small but is it a busy beach? We like our privacy, so I am concerned about the area. Is it a play beach for keikis or can you snorkel there?
If you are familiar with the cottage itself, comments on it would be appreciated as well.
Mahalo for your help.
Seashell Cottage in Kailua-Kona, near Kona Reef
I am not familiar with the property but I know the ';beach'; you refer to. It%26#39;s not a beach. It%26#39;s a small County Park with a sandpatch and it%26#39;s not private. The water is not calm either, the surfers occupy the are just North of it.
Seashell Cottage in Kailua-Kona, near Kona Reef
very heaavy snorkeling lots of locals.... it will be fun getting in or out of the parking due to traffic... very bad location
there are no ';private'; beaches here
melelina, the fact is that there is so little beach that meets your description of play for keikis and snorkel friendly, that if it were like that it would swamped with people. You will not find a beach area along Ali%26#39;i that%26#39;s any good at all for getting in the water that isn%26#39;t heavily used.
If you want more privacy and oceanfront, you are better off being away from ocean access. If you want to be on a usable but relatively uncrowded beach, you need to drive ... sorry!
Actually, I don%26#39;t care if the beach is useable or not. We likely wouldn%26#39;t use it either way. I am more concerned with how private the cottage would be.
I don%26#39;t know if this vrbo one is the same? If so, that one refers to ';adjacent public beach'; near the photo of a sand beach.
That%26#39;s a good clarification, privacy is #1. Hope someone will know! Meanwhile I looked at the vrbo# Honu posted, and it looks cute.
Appears from the photos to be an older single wall type bungalow. It has double hung windows which you rarely see in the houses built later than the 50%26#39;s or 60%26#39;s, and you can see it%26#39;s single wall because of the molding running up the walls that go over the wiring.
Older houses have more charm. One drawback of single wall is there%26#39;s no sound insulation (it%26#39;s not drywalled). A positive feature is the house breathes. I prefer no carpet especially close to the ocean. I would want to know if the carpet is fresh ... and doesn%26#39;t smell musty.
I%26#39;ll do a search and pinpoint the location some more.
OK, so this cottage, that Honu Ohana found (surely only one Seashell Cottage by a beach on Ali%26#39;i?) is for sale -- for 1.5 million, and there is some more location info with the sale listing.
Oceanfront Cottage. Located On Alii Drive And Only Three Homes From The Center Of Kailua-Kona! Adjacent To Hono Community Park And Surf Bay. Look Right Into Kailua Bay Activities With The Cruise Ships In Your Front Yard! Walk To All Your Favorite Restaurants And Shops...
416 sq %26#39;, and I was right about the age, built in 1962.
More photos above, showing the yard
melelina, suggest you put the address into Google Maps, the street number and name and the zip should do it. 96740.
You can see it really well on the satellite map. I can%26#39;t get it to give me a link short enough for TA to accept.
Sorry, one more post. It appears this cottage is on the mauka side of the road, even though it%26#39;s called oceanfront. It appears that Ali%26#39;i Drive is running in front of that rock wall! The house must be set up a little above so you have the unobstructed view.
The MLS listing map I found also puts it on the less desirable side of Ali%26#39;i.
Don%26#39;t expect anything ';private'; on Alii Drive. It%26#39;s the road along the shoreline from the center of the town to the South end of the town. You always will hear the traffic and most of these old homes are small, single wall and on a small lot.
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